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Musician and sonic aficionado, Juliana Bigelow, is forging a path for herself as a woman in sound. She is currently majoring in Sonic Arts and Music Production, at Portland State University and, in addition to her studies, is eagerly exploring audio engineering, music journalism, and music publishing. Two things fuel her:


1) Her insurmountable passion for providing upcoming and established artists with the tools and compensation they need to be successful, as technology continues to drive the music industry in ways that often shortcut artists; and


2) Her belief that live music performances have the unique power to unite people, even if only for a moment.


She got her start playing handbells at her local handbell choir when she was just seven years old. Since then, she has completed five tours with the Celebration Ringers, sung in various choirs of all levels, studied classical voice at the Colorado Springs Conservatory, and studied guitar with classical guitarist Dale Miller. Beyond music, her hunger to turn visions into reality has contributed to her leadership roles in student organizations, and her ability to serve a variety of different people and events through years of live sound work. 


She is currently working as the Student Media Marketing Manager for Portland State's Student Media and acts as a contributor for the Arts and Culture section of the PSU Vanguard. In addition, she is available for projects requiring mixing, digital marketing, and live sound. You can contact her through her Instagram @julianabigelow or email her at


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